Tooth Extractions In Billerica

What Are Basic

Tooth Extractions?

A basic extraction is a simple procedure used to remove a fully erupted tooth that can be seen in the gum line. Since it isn’t trapped behind the gums, it doesn’t require surgical removal. The process of removing a fully erupted tooth is simpler, less invasive, can be done with minimal or no sedation, doesn’t require sutures, and heals faster than teeth that are surgically removed.

Are Tooth Extractions


No, it may be surprising to find out that tooth extractions are virtually painless. This is because we perform the extraction under local anesthesia which removes any pain sensation. However, because patients can still hear noises and feel the pressure of dental tools in their mouths, you may want to be sedated to make you even more comfortable. 

Patients with dental anxiety or special needs may feel stressed during an extraction even when they aren’t feeling any pain. There’s no reason to be uncomfortable during a dental procedure. We happily offer 3 different types of
dental sedation that range from mild to deep sedation so you won’t even need to remember the procedure and you will feel relaxed the entire time.

What to Expect

At Your Extraction Appointment

First, you will come in for a consultation so we can take x-rays of your teeth and determine if your tooth can be saved. We will explore other restorative treatment options available if you would like to save the tooth. 

If your tooth needs to be removed and has fully erupted through the gums, we will administer a local anesthetic to numb your mouth. If sedation is desired, this will be administered during or before the appointment depending on the type of sedation.

Then, a dental elevator will be used to wobble the tooth until it's loose in the socket. Forceps are used to grab the tooth and remove it. Gauze will be placed in the socket to stop the bleeding and you will be told to bite down on them for 30 to 60 minutes. 

Why Do I Need

a Tooth Extraction?

Extractions are performed for many different reasons, including:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth infection
  • Dental trauma
  • Overcrowding
  • To make room for orthodontic treatment
  • Impaction

However, an extraction will always be a last resort at North Billerica Smiles. We will do everything we can to preserve the health of your natural teeth. In some cases, teeth can be repaired through root canals, dental crowns, and fillings. 

However, in other cases, teeth cannot be saved and must be removed to avoid further damage to your oral health. When a tooth is removed, we will advise you to have it replaced to prevent the consequence of bone loss unless it is a wisdom tooth.

Are There Alternatives

to a Tooth Extraction?

If the tooth is not beyond repair, then it can be saved in a few different ways. A broken tooth can be held together with a dental crown or a seriously damaged or weakened tooth can also be protected with a durable crown. 

Tooth decay can be treated with fillings in the beginning stages. If your tooth is infected, root canal therapy is 95% successful at restoring the tooth to health. Crowns may be recommended afterward if the tooth was a rear molar. 

If you have gum disease, you will require a deep cleaning or need gum surgery for more intense cleaning in the advanced stages. We will always inform you of all of your options before resorting to the removal of a tooth. We recommend that you try to save your teeth when possible because tooth loss causes irreversible bone loss that affects your facial structure, bite, and future tooth loss risk.

Schedule Your Consultation
Are you unsure if your tooth can be saved or if it needs to be extracted? Contact us at North Billerica Smiles today to schedule an extraction consultation with one of our dentists.

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what is a dental implant?

A dental implant includes two parts: an abutment and a restoration. Together, these two pieces create a permanent replacement tooth that looks and functions just like a natural one would.

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how do dental implants work?

The first step of the dental implant process is a consultation at North Billerica Smiles. During your visit, we’ll assess your smile to see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. If so, we’ll move onto the treatment planning phase.

One of our dentists will take x-rays and scans of your mouth, then use the detailed images of your teeth, gums, jawline, and surrounding bone structures to come up with a precise treatment plan. Once this is complete, you will come in for your oral surgery and your abutment will be placed in your gum. When this heals, this is the part of your implant that will function as an artificial tooth root.

3-6 Months after your abutment is places and your gums are fully healed, you’ll come back in for your final appointment. During your last visit, we’ll attach a dental crown or other restoration to the abutment, and this will create a replacement tooth that looks and feels natural. You’ll be able to chew, speak, and smile with ease - with no gaps in your teeth!

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do dental implants hurt?

Since dental implants are an invasive oral surgery, you can expect to feel some pain. However, we use powerful numbing agents and anesthetics to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during your procedure. What’s more, we also send you home with a prescription for medication that will help ease your pain, if necessary. We do everything in our power to provide a smooth, pain-free implant treatment.

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how long do dental implants last?

With proper care and oral hygiene, your dental implant should last the rest of your life. We also offer maintenance appointments to help ensure that your implant stays in good shape throughout the years.

We Look Forward To Meeting You.

Please call 978.262.0023 or click below to set-up an appointment online.